Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How to Grow Your Theatrical Knowledge and Your Auditon Book (Without Really Trying)

Sorry I couldn't resist with the title. Today was a crazy day so this will be a short post but hopefully it will still be beneficial!

We could all expand our knowledge when it comes to theatre. The question is: how do we go about doing that? Seeing Broadway shows is crazy expensive and also we don't want to leave to comfort of our beds (well that's me at least). So what do we do? Let me tell ya:


Look at what's on Broadway right now. That's a great place to start, and from there, look at youtube clips and maybe you can find a bootleg! Bootlegs are the best, but of course, illegal. Beneficial for us fans, but it really sucks if it's your show.

Next, look at the stars. See some familiar faces? Research what they've done! Revivals are some of the best way to look at new stars in old shows!


Sometimes I feel some thespians look over the classics. NO. Those are the best! Definitely look at old musical movies. Gene Kelley, Fred Astaire, and Bing Crosby are some of my idols and they have really impacted the theatrical world today. Definitely look into them.

3)  ASK!

I have learned that not everyone is at the same place when it comes to theatre. I think of myself as pretty knowledgeable when it comes to shows, so I sometimes can be rude when a theatre kid says, "what's les mis about?". This actually happened and I wish I could've changed my response. So please: feel free to ask questions. I know I would be glad to help and so would anyone part of Actor Problems. Ask away! Ask for scripts, sheet music, old high school recordings, whatever! Help one another!

If you have any other ideas, again, feel free to commet below. And if you have any questions for me, either comment below or find me on twitter y'all! My twitter name will be below! Happy Researching!

Andrew's Twitter: @theatreginger