DO be on time! One of the worst things you could ever do at an audition is be late. You don't seem reliable and how will the directing team be able trust you to be on time to shows and rehearsals?
DON'T apologize if you mess up or are not as prepared as you would like to be. Directors know that sometimes your audition gets booked at the last minute.
DO be confident. Even if you have no idea what you're doing, pretend like you do. You know what they say: Fake it 'til you make it.
DON'T Sing a song that you've already sang for someone on the directing team. Choose something new. They don't want to see you do the same old same old. Choose something different to show the directing team how you've grown from the last season.
DO Look presentable. Now, you don't have to wear a ball gown or anything, but definitely don't wear sweats. Treat your audition as you would a job interview. Dress like you care about being there.
DON'T just sing. Act while you sing. Yes, pretty voices are awesome, but in musical theatre singing and acting go hand in hand. You are trying to tell a story through song, so don't forget to act in your singing!
DO be polite to everyone you see. You just never know who you're talking to, who knows who, etc.
And.... being a good human is always just a good thing to be.
DON'T try to shake the director or anyone on the directing teams hand. Especially during flu season. You can probably guess why.
These are just a few Do's and Don'ts for actors when auditioning. Whether you're new to the theatre world and needed to know, or you've been doing this for a long time and needed to be reminded. I hope this helped!
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