Sunday, November 9, 2014

Character Types

Wow, it’s been a while. Guys. I formally apologize. Life has been crazy for the college theatre major over here. BUT! I’m back, and I would like to talk about something important that all should know!

Now, I’m not going to write all of them down, because there are probably ones I’d miss. And I don’t want to do that. INSTEAD, I’m going to discuss the importance of them and how to possibly break away from that!

We all know that some actors get cast in the same roles over, and over, and over again. That’s because that’s what they’re good at playing at. Nothing wrong with that, just as long as they’re happy. Character types will help directors find out what character suits you! So let’s talk about me for an example.

I’ve been described as the best friend/sidekick/goofy leading man type. Only recently have I gotten to the leading man part because I was cast as Jesus in a production of Godspell. And to be honest, it freaked me out. How the poop was I supposed to play that when I have played funny guys my whole life??? Well I went with it, and it was amazing. Roles like these will help you get out of whatever funk you may be in. Look for diversity. If you like modern contemporary musicals, that’s great. But get a little classical in there. Really show the directors that you are a diverse actor who can handle anything that they throw at you. Look at all opportunities. If that means to get out of your current community theater, then do it. No one likes to be stuck in ensemble or a featured dancer all the time. Get those credits on your resume y’all!

Please realize that I want each and every single one of you fantastic talented people to succeed. So listen to me and do not get offended when I say STOP BEING YOU. Being an actor means you have to be able to many types of people. Your acting ability should be stretched to where you can play both the bad guy and the good guy.

“But, Andrew, I’m so nice! I’ll only get cast as the ingénue!”
You don’t know what the directors are thinking! They may want a very nice actress to play the passive aggressive ex-girlfriend. Never try to guess what the director is thinking. Cause you will never know.

I love you all. I say these words with kindness. Go forth and rain talent down.  You know how to contact me if you have questions, concerns, or you want to say hello. I run the official snapchat so add us!

Snapchat: actorproblems
Twitter: theatreginger


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