Monday, January 5, 2015

How to tell if you're too invested in community theater

Community theater cliques are nearly impossible to get into. But if you work your way in, you can make some of the best friends you'll ever have. Here's some ways to tell you're IN. 

1. You and your community theater friends have been in at least 3 shows together
You've known each other since your parents have been dropping you off at churches and middle school auditoriums every day all summer. Your friendships used to take long pauses during the school year, only to pick right back up again when you see each other at callbacks. 

2. You're friends with the accompanist for the auditions. And you totally practice with them ahead of time. 
Don't lie. we're all guilty of this. No questions asked. 

3. You can precast the show and you already know your competition. 
Auditions haven't even happened yet and they might as well post the cast list. Everyone knows who's getting cast and who is playing what. 

4. Your theater inside jokes are amazing
You glance at each other across a completely silent rehearsal and laugh because you're all thinking of the same thing. 

5. You and your friends are most likely the "trouble makers" of the company
"Where's the teenagers?"
Probably outside on the playground in the rain. For fun. 
If there's fun to be had, you're doing it. 

6. You've done way too much tech for the company. And you're not a techie. 
"I'll bring in a prop to use for now" turns into "I'll just do props for the whole show" in the blink of an eye. 

7. You've made some of your best friends. 
Yeah, you may not see them very often, but you've gotten so close to them you have no secrets. It's what doing a show does to a cast. Brings them closer together. And with the amount of shows you've been in together, you're bound to be friends for life. 

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