Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Broadway Body

If you're wondering whether or not you have the "Broadway Body", the answer is you do. Every body is a Broadway Body. Whether you're short, tall, small, large, square, hourglass or you only have one arm, you have a Broadway Body.

Let me start this off with the history of what a Broadway Bod is. It's a body, that is on Broadway. There you have it folks. The well esteemed phrase actually comes from the competition that exists between performers, since there are so many people wanting to "make it" many have resorted to making sure each aspect of them is perfect. Resulting in the "Broadway Body." A trim, muscular, fit, perfect body. For females it's supposed to be 5'7, with abs, killer leg muscles coming from dance experience, curves, long hair in a teal blue dress and nude pumps. For boys it's over 6 ft, completely built looking like a football player, and a jawline that could cut butter.

However, that's just dumb because if everyone looked like that, zero shows would be cast. Shows are written for those who overcome oppression, the people who are  real people. Not carbon copies of others.

So if the thing standing in the way of your dream is whether or not you have the right body shape, have no fear. You do. Your Broadway body is perfect the way it is.

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