Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What's Your Motivation?

      Hello, folks!  So our amazing blogger has asked me if I wanted to write a guest post this week! Naturally, I said yes! Now I will introduce myself: I am Rebecca Short. I am actor, singer, dancer, and pianist. I own the Instagram account(s) @brahdwayy, @rebeccamshort. I also have Twitter: @brahdway, @_rebeccashort. I applied for the blogging application about a month. So that's just a short introduction.
        I really wanted to do this topic for this blog because it's one of the most important things in theatre/theater–however you spell it. Something that is so important in this business is what is your motivation? and do do want it bad enough? The answer has to come straight from your heart. The people you see as professional actors and especially the ones on Broadway are people who don'twant this, but they need it. They need it more than anything. It is the hunger that stirs in your body before, during, after an audition. It is the hunger that stirs throughout your body during performances and rehearsals. It is why I sob after every audition no matter if it is regional theatre show or community theatre.
       Do you want it that badly? 
And what do you do if you want it that badly?
1.) research your craft and show
2.) do your craft all the freaking time. almost no break time
3.) no complaining. shut your mouths. rule number 1: DIRECTOR KNOWS BEST.
4.) work harder than everyone else.
5.) make it your life
6.) no matter how late it is, you stay.
7.) love yourself and be yourself
8.) don't be a diva. patti lupone has the right to be a diva; you don't.
9.) stay kind to your cast mates but be competitive 
10.) stay healthy. maintain a good weight. eat your fruits and vegetables. stay hydrated.

       I really like number four! WORK HARDER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. That should be your anthem for anything and EVERYTHING. No excuses. Look up Sutton Foster's quote about that. She says you must want it more and you must work harder. And that is the absolute truth. I might sound like Abby Lee Miller from Dance Moms, but she's right. Good is never good enough. You have to be exceptional and work hard and be passionate. This is the key to success. And always live by the keys to success.

I hope you enjoyed this blog! And I hope I can do it again! Follow my accounts if you'd like, and keep reading these blogs. Love you all!

Rebecca M. Short

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